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How do I get in touch with The Science Editor?

Email The Science Editor via The Contact Page.

What services does The Science Editor offer?

The Science Editor packages and services include:
Science editing    |     Scientific assessment    |    Science writing     |    Science LLMs and AI

Who is The Science Editor?

The Science Editor is Dr Matthew Grimshaw, who was originally from London but now lives in Queensland, Australia. Dr Grimshaw has a first-class degree in biochemistry and a PhD in molecular biology from Imperial College London. His research covers several fields within the biological health sciences including rheumatology, inflammation, vascular biology, and oncology. Dr Grimshaw has written or edited thousands of articles within a number of fields, including biology, medicine, and biochemistry.

Where is The Science Editor based?

The Science Editor lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.

Can I find you on social media?

Yes, follow the links to see The Science Editor's Facebook page and other useful profiles:
Facebook    |    LinkedIn    |    ORCID    |    European Association of Science Editors

What's the difference between proofreading, editing, and scientific assessment?

Proofreading is simply finding the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors to make sure that the English is correct, while editing takes the text and polishes it to make sure the text is clear, unambiguous, and easy to read.

Scientific assessment includes language editing in combination with an assessment of the science to point out the strengths and weaknesses of your results, data, and conclusions. Dr Grimshaw also supplies a written report on your article and offers suggestions about how to improve your research.

How do I submit a document?

In the first instance, get in touch with The Science Editor via The Contact Page to confirm the cost and deadline. Then you can simply email your document or transfer it via DropBox.

How do I pay?

When the job is accepted by The Science Editor and the cost is agreed, The Science Editor will request payment by PayPal.

What types of documents can you edit or write?

Most types! Manuscripts, theses, news articles, press releases, website content, magazine articles, business documents and reports, and even books.

What countries do you work in?

The Science Editor is truly global and works with authors and scientists from all around the world. In particular, The Science Editor has worked with many researchers from China, India, Russia, and South Korea, as well as Australia, the UK, Europe and the USA.

English isn't my first language. Is that okay?

Yes, The Science Editor regularly works with ESL (English second language) authors.

What file types do you accept?

Files should be supplied as Word files.
For other types of files, please contact The Science Editor.

What's the turnaround time for an edit?

The turnaround time will depend heavily on the length of the text and the degree of editing required. As a guide, edits of fewer than 10,000 words will be returned to you within 5 working days.

Does editing include the references?

That's up to you. As the reference list is often automatically formatted by, for example, EndNote, many clients do not require editing of the citations but The Science Editor is happy to do it.

Does editing include formatting?

Formatting can be included if required, but this will incur an extra charge.

What happens if I disagree with your changes?

If you do not agree with the suggested edit, then simply press 'reject change' and move on. If you are unsure why the edit has been suggested, then you can get in touch with The Science Editor to ask.
If you are unhappy with the changes, get in touch and The Science Editor will explain why particular changes were made or re-edit the text at no extra cost.


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