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Science Editing

Old fashioned typewrite on a wooden desk surrounded by books

Science editing to give your writing the maximum impact

Scientific editing services are available for articles, theses, grant applications, manuscripts, and books. The Science Editor will not only correct any errors in your text but will also improve the overall flow, structure, and clarity of your work, making it more compelling and easier to understand.

With extensive experience in scientific editing in a huge number of fields, The Science Editor can expertly edit documents in many scientific fields.

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What does science editing include?

Light editing:
• Proofreading to find and correct typos and grammatical errors
• Revising sentences and paragraphs to improve readability

Medium editing:
• Proofreading
• Revising sentences and paragraphs to improve readability
• Improving the flow and content to make the text concise and understandable
• Suggestions about how to improve the text

Heavy editing:
• Proofreading
• Extensive revisions
• Improving the flow and content
• Suggestions about how to improve the text
• A report describing common errors

Additional formatting options, including for target journals and references, are also available.

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What types of documents can The Science Editor edit?

The Science Editor can edit almost any type of document including:
• Theses
• Manuscripts
• Grant applications
• Magazine and blog articles
• Books

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What fields can The Science Editor edit?

The Science Editor's editing services are suitable for most fields. The only major exceptions are the fields of mathematics, physics, and programming. The Science Editor's areas of expertise include:
• Biology and chemistry
• Medicine, surgery, and dentistry
• Environmental sciences

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Get a quote for science editing

Science editing is available at three levels (light, medium, and heavy) and is priced per word.

For a science editing quote, please contact The Science Editor and let us know the following:

• Length (no. of words)
• Level of editing required
• Type of document, e.g., thesis, manuscript, grant application
• Field and topic
• UK or USA (or other) English
• Excluded sections, e.g., references, tables
• Formatting requirements or target journal (extra charges may apply)

You may also send The Science Editor the document before editing if you'd prefer. Any documents sent to The Science Editor are considered to be under an NDA.

We will get back to you as soon as possible with the cost and expected turnaround time prior to starting editing.


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