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Science Writing

Old fashioned typewrite on a wooden desk surrounded by books

Clear, concise, engaging writing by The Science Editor

Expert and fully researched science writing for academia, business and media by The Science Editor on a wide range of topics to inform your audience.

Whether you need content for websites, journals or marketing materials, the meticulously researched articles ensure accuracy and clarity, making cutting-edge science understandable and exciting to captivate your audience.

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What science writing services does The Science Editor offer?

Science writing services include:
• Research articles
• Review articles
• Media articles
• Copywriting
• Technical writing

This list is not exhaustive and The Science Editor will accommodate your needs wherever possible, so get in touch to discuss your project.

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What fields can The Science Editor write about?

The Science Editor's areas of expertise include:

General science writing:
• Biology
• Health
• Medicine

Scientific or academic writing:
• Biology
• Molecular biology
• Oncology, inflammation and vascular biology
• Medicine
• Surgery

The Science Editor has wide experience in other topics in addition to those listed above, so get in touch about other fields.

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Get a quote for science writing

For a science writing quote, please contact The Science Editor and let us know the following:

• Type of writing (e.g., manuscript, marketing for website)
• Length (no. of words)
• Field and topic
• UK or USA (or other) English
• Additional sections, e.g., references, tables, figures
• Formatting requirements

You may also send The Science Editor a detailed brief if you'd prefer.
We will get back to you as soon as possible with the cost and expected turnaround time prior to starting writing.


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