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Scientific Assessment

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Presubmission assessment to spot the issues before the reviewer does

The Science Editor will not only edit your writing but will also provide a comprehensive pre-submission report about the strengths and weaknesses of your research and will suggest revisions to maximize the chance of a positive result.

Dr Grimshaw has extensive experience in grant applications and publishing manuscripts and articles, and can identify any issues that may hinder the chance of your submission or application being successful.

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What does scientific assessment include?

The presubmission scientific assessment includes:
• Proofreading and editing of the text
• A written assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your research
• Suggestions and ideas to maximize the chance of publication or success

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What types of projects can The Science Editor assess?

The Science Editor's scientific assessment services are suitable for:
• Theses
• Manuscripts
• Grant applications

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What fields are suitable for scientific assessment?

The Science Editor can edit and assess most research within the following fields:
• Biological sciences
• Clinical research
• Medicine

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Get a quote for scientific assessment

For a scientific assessment quote, please contact The Science Editor and let us know the following:

• Length (no. of words)
• Type of document, e.g., thesis, manuscript, grant application
• Field and topic
• UK or USA (or other) English.
• Excluded sections, e.g., references, tables.
• Formatting requirements or journal target (extra charges may apply).

You may also send The Science Editor the document if you'd prefer. Any document sent to The Science Editor is covered by an NDA.

The Science Editor will get back to you as soon as possible with the cost and expected turnaround time.


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